Fęrsluflokkur: Enski boltinn

Eins og ķ gęr ekki sanngjörn śrslit

Rétt eins og śrslitin hjį lišinu sem var ķ öšru sęti ķ gęr og fór į toppinn voru śrslitin ķ dag ekki sanngjörn og hefšu bįšir leikirnir įtt aš enda sem jafntefli.

Mķnir menn virkušu įhugalausir og barįttulausir mest allan leikinn og įhyggjuefni ef menn ętla fara męta ķ leiki og telja aš sigur sé sjįlfsagšur. Teves reyndar alltaf sķvinnadi en žį er žaš lķklega upptališ.

Eins og ķ flestum leikjum minna manna ķ dag féllu met og ķ žetta skiptiš tvö. En Giggs skoraši ķ enn eitt įriš og hefur skoraš öll įrin sķšan śrvalsdeildin var stofnuš. Van Der Sar hélt hreinu enn einn leikinn og eru leikirnir oršnir 12 ķ röš, geri ašrir betur.

En mķnir menn tilla sér aftur į toppinn og verša žar alla veg nęstu tvę vikurnar žar sem śrvaldeildin er kominn ķ frķ sökum lands og bikarleikja.

ps. Ingvar žś skuldar mér 10.000.- kall.

Ja hérna rugliš tekur ekki enda

Fyrst er Georg Bjarnfrešarson oršinn fjįrmįlarįšherra meš Jóhönnu sem "verkstjóra" ........

Svo kaupa menn fótboltamann og seljann nokkrum mįnušum seinna meš 5 miljón punda tapi -



mbl.is Keane aftur til Tottenham
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt

Tveir frammherjar

Tveir frammherjar eru seldir sķšasta sumar frį Tottenham til tveggja af sterkustu lišum Englands.

Annar hefur upp į sķškastiš fariš į kostum og unniš hug og hjörtu stušningsmanna Rašu djöflanna sem margir hverjir voru ósįttir viš veršiš sem hann var keyptur į.

Hinn aftur į móti fór til lišs sem einhvern veginn hefur haft lag į žvķ aš lįta lofandi leikmenn drabbast nišur ķ mešalmennsku og vęri hęgt aš telja upp langan lista leikmanna ķ žvķ sambandi.

Eftir žrautargöngu Keane žaš sem af er vetri berast fréttir af žvķ aš Tottenham sé aš spyrjast fyrir um kappann og veršur žaš varla til aš auka hróšur Ķrans knįa.


Tottenham spuršist fyrir um Keanemynd

Meišslavandręši - engin afsökun!

 Mķnir menn fį žann vafasama heišur aš vera lang efstir af lišunum ķ ensku śrvalsdeildinni yfir žau liš sem eru meš meidda leikmenn innanboršs. http://www.physioroom.com/news/english_premier_league/epl_injury_table.php 

Žaš er gaman aš bera topplišin tvo saman

Fjöldi skrįšra leikmanna meiddir frį įramótum.

MAN UTD 9 - Liverpool 2

Fjöldi skrįšra meišsla sķšastlišiš įr, frį įramótum 2007 til dagsins ķ dag.

MAN UTD 113 - Liverpool 61

Žetta tķmabil, til dagsins ķ dag

MAN UTD 40 - Liverpool 18

Žetta sżnir enn og aftur hvaš hópur leikmanna į Old Trafford er grķšarlega breišur og aš mašur kemur ķ manns staš enda lišiš į toppi deildarinnar, meš ķ öllum keppnum, rķkjandi lands, Evrópu og heimsmeistari. Žaš er žvķ vel skiljanlegt aš žį helst pśllarar verši gręnir af öfund žar sem liš žeirra hefur ekki nįš aš sķna styrk sinn nema aš takmörkušu leiti undanfarna įratugi og vafalaust sįrt fyrir mišaldra stušningsmenn aš muna žį tķš žegar lišinu gekk allt ķ haginn löngum stundum.

En einnig augljóst aš leikjaįlag į leikmenn Manchester United er grķšarlegt.

Manchester United12
Newcastle United9
West Bromwich Albion9
Bolton Wanderers6
Tottenham Hotspur6
Manchester City5
Stoke City3
Aston Villa2
Blackburn Rovers2
West Ham United2
Hull City1


:o) :o) :o) :o) :o)

Rafael Benitez's outburst made up of half-truth and disinformation

Naušsynlegt aš lesa ķ umręšunni sem viršist ętla aš halda įfram. 

Stoliš af: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/leagues/premierleague/liverpool/4214075/Rafael-Benitezs-outburst-made-up-of-half-truths-and-disinformation-Football.html

Has Rafael Benitez cracked? Has he fallen for the oldest of Alex Ferguson's ruses? Or was this Benitez seizing the initiative, a calculated attack designed to undermine the Manchester United manager's formidable, not to say intimidating, influence?

By Duncan White
Last Updated: 9:26PM GMT 10 Jan 2009

Benitez is an almost compulsive intriguer. He has spent the last year engaged in a loosely concealed attempt to undermine his own chief executive, Rick Parry, employing innuendo and double-speak rather than come out and clearly define his position.
He left Valencia after falling out with the club's sporting director and has continuously tussled for every advantage behind the scenes at Liverpool.
Yet this attack on Ferguson is not the Machiavellian scheme some might attribute to Benitez.
Leaving aside, for a moment, the accusation that Benitez has risen to Ferguson's bait, it is worth examining the validity of Benitez's various accusations. Disinformation and half-truth abound.
Charge 1 "We have seen players sent off at Old Trafford and we do not see our opponents sent off."
There has only been one player sent off at Old Trafford this season. In September, Middlesbrough's Emanuel Pogatetz was shown the red card after he went in two-footed on Rodrigo Possebon. The young Brazilian midfielder was lucky to avoid serious injury and both the Boro manager Gareth Southgate and Pogatetz apologised. There can be absolutely no dispute.
Two players have been sent off for the opposition at Anfield this season. Wigan's Luis Antonio Valencia was sent off for two bookings in October in a game that Liverpool won 3-2. His first caution was for encroaching on a free-kick. Here's what Steve Bruce said about it: "I just thought all the little decisions in the second half went Liverpool's way. It's difficult enough coming to Anfield, but you need some fairness and strength. Two minutes after Valencia was dismissed, [Nabil] El Zhar tackled Mario Melchiot in the same way and... nothing. That's what annoys us to."
The other player to be sent off at Anfield? Nemanja Vidic of Manchester United.
Hardly fits Benitez's conspiracy, does it?
Charge 2 "During the respect campaign, and this is a fact, Mr Ferguson was charged by the FA for improper conduct after comments made about Martin Atkinson and Keith Hackett. He was not punished. He is the only manager in the league that cannot be punished for these things."
Ferguson was charged for making some pretty pathetic and disparaging remarks about Atkinson after the FA Cup quarter-final defeat to Portsmouth in March.
Carlos Queiroz, his then assistant, was also charged. Both were later cleared by an independent commission, not the FA.
In regards Hackett, Ferguson accused him of being biased towards Chelsea after John Terry's red card against Manchester City was rescinded. Ferguson looked paranoid – the decision to send off Terry had been considered pretty harsh – and not a little self-interested as Terry was freed up to play United. And perhaps the FA's failure to punish Ferguson was a weakness.
But to suggest other managers get punished misses the mark. Everton's David Moyes has been fined £5,000, Phil Brown has been fined £1,000 and Roy Keane received no fine at all relating to charges of improper conduct. All were warned about their future conduct. Joe Kinnear has two charges outstanding.
While this might show that the Respect campaign is a sham, it does not suggest the FA are cracking down on anyone. Not a touchline ban to be seen.
Oh, except for Ferguson, who was given a two-game ban for abusing Mike Dean after a the 4-3 win over Hull in November. He also got a £10,000 fine. So he is the one manager who has been substantially punished by the FA this season.
Charge 3 "Then he was talking about the fixtures. Two years ago we were playing a lot of early kick-offs away on Saturdays when United were playing on Sundays – and we didn't say anything."
Ferguson's claims of an anti-United bias in the fixture schedule are laughable. But so is Benitez's counter-suggestion that United were favoured in the past. True, Liverpool did play five away fixtures in the early Saturday slot in the 2006-07 season, losing two, winning two and drawing one.
But then United also played five away games for the Saturday matinee audience. Again, Benitez seems to have his facts wrong. He is right that United played more Sunday games that season – nine to Liverpool's five – but they are hardly advantageous if you are playing in the middle of the following week.
Jose Mourinho used to complain that the English league disadvantaged its Champions League competitors by failing to move games that undermined preparation for big ties. But then all teams have been disadvantaged equally.
Few managers take on Ferguson and come off unscathed. Benitez's courage might be applauded if only his claims had more substance. Ferguson is petty and irrational, and he will wind you up until you crack.


Ferguson segir ummęli Benitez fįrįnleg.Ég rįšlegg Benitez aš finna sér stjóra į hans kaliberi til aš slįst viš, Sir Alexer er einfaldlega of stór biti sem hann mun ekki nį aš kyngja.  Sem sżnir sig į śrslitum helgarinnar, tvö töpuš stig į móti Stoke annars vegar og hins vegar stórsigur.

Žó svo aš margt sé hęgt aš segja um Sir Alex žegar skapiš fer meš hann ķ gönur, žį var žessi gjörningur Benitez algjörlega śt śr korti.

mbl.is Ferguson segir Benitez vera ruglašan
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt


Ég ętla byrja į aš žakka Hödda Magg fyrir aš hafa bętt rįš sitt viš lżsingar į leikjum minna manna og greinilegt aš hann hefur lesiš bloggiš mitt og séš aš sér Devil

En aš leik dagsins, žaš er ekki hęgt aš segja aš mašur hafi veriš eitthvaš sérstaklega bjartsżnn eftir leik lišsins ķ vikunni, en žaš var alveg ljóst aš ef viš ętlušum aš vera meš ķ toppbarįttunni žį yršum viš aš vinna žennan leik.

Sir Alex sannaši žaš enn og aftur hversu magnašur hann er meš uppstillingu sem margir settu spurningarmerki viš Giggs, Neville og Fletcher ķ lišinu en žaš kom į daginn aš žaš var hįrrétt įkvöršun

Aš vinna Chel$kż 3-0 er mögnuš frammistaša og spilamennska lišsins til fyrirmyndar. Hefši meš réttu įtt aš vera 4-0 žar sem löglegt mark var dęmt af sem Ronaldo skoraši.

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Ólafur Tryggvason
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